At BCE, more valuable than the physical assets we create are the relationships we build with our clients in their journey with us. Our Logo which depicts a seal of our guiding principles i.e. Honesty, Integrity, Transparency and Respect, is a promise that we deliver not only PMC services but also enable our clients to take the best of decisions and create value through their association with us.
Our Logo stands for what we do and how we do as a company, cohesively. The square signifies ‘Growth’ at every step of our journey. The symbols in blue together signify ‘Honesty and Integrity’. The symbol in red signifies ‘Respect’. Finally, the entire elements together stand for the appreciation and reputation earned by BCE and signify our voyage of constant growth that began in the year of 2014 till perpetuity.
The colours in our Logo are not just a mark of brand demarcation but stand for qualities that run common in BCE. The Blue colour stands for Inspiration, White colour displays transparency, Red colour signifies admiration and Black colour stands for protection.